Startup details - Adobe Gamma (Adobe Gamma Loader.exe) Message Board Startup program entry details: Adobe Gamma (Adobe Gamma Loader.exe) This page expands upon the information already available for this entry in the Pacman's Portal Windows start-up programs. User's choice - depends whether a user deems it necessary For further information on how to identify and disable startup programs please visit the page. Convert exe files to mac. Description: Included with older versions of products. Loads the user created which adjusts monitor colours across all programs, including Photoshop. Required by some graphics professionals who want their monitor calibrated. Most home users will not need it Startup information: Common/User Startup (Start → All Programs → Startup) • Shortcut location (XP): C: Documents and Settings Start Menu Programs Startup Adobe Gamma.lnk • Shortcut location (Vista/7): C: Users AppData Roaming Microsoft Windows Start Menu Programs Startup Adobe Gamma.lnk • Target: 'C: Program Files Common Files Adobe Calibration Adobe Gamma Loader.exe' MSConfig (Start → Run → msconfig → Startup) • Startup Item (XP): Adobe Gamma • Startup Item (Vista/7): Adobe Systems, Inc. Adobe Gamma Loader • Command: C: PROGRA~1 COMMON~1 Adobe CALIBR~1 ADOBEG~1.EXE Windows Defender (Start → All Programs → Windows Defender → Tools → Software Explorer) • Name: Adobe Systems, Inc.
Source Comment You should keep Adobe Gamma Loader.lnk in startup because it automatically applies your customized display settings when you launch Adobe Creative Suite applications. 1 Anonymous You should keep Adobe Gamma Loader.lnk in startup because it is useful for Photoshop 1 You should keep Adobe Gamma Loader.lnk in startup because it is a useful component for photoshop 0 Anonymous You should keep Adobe Gamma Loader.lnk in startup because i need use it 0 Adobe Gamma Loader sets screen display color qualities for photo editing accuracy, may conflict with 3rd party profile and calibration systems 0.
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The adobe gamma loader.exe is an executable file on your computer's hard drive. This file contains machine code. If you start the software Adobe Creative Studio on your PC, the commands contained in adobe gamma loader.exe will be executed on your PC.