Mar 26, 2018 - Bhai Telugu Movie In Hindi Dubbed Download.

It's a movie. Is the movie full of sorrows? Is the movie full of tragedy? Is the movie full of emotions? Makes you to express through your eyes. It's beyond that. You will find value of water in desert.

You will find value of person when he is not with you. But there are some personalities who you value, when they are there around you as well. He lived a king size life. He has given a joy to more than 3 generations and will continue to give joy to many more generations. We have met him through his books, music, social activities, drama and many more. Yes, I am talking about Marathi movie 'Bhai'.

It's really tough to create a film on 'PuLa'. But Mahesh Manjarekar and his team has created great film.

All actors have performed really great. Wpa kill sp3 rapidshare movies. One of the best background music this film has. With 'GaDiMa', a scene will tell you how a different composition will take the song altogether at different level. Like everyone he is a human being.

Accepting his own limitations and saying 'Sorry' to his wife is one of the classic scene, directed and acted by known personalities. I enjoyed his books a lot. I have laughed a lot because of his creations. While talking to friends of any generations, sometimes 'Antu Barva' is referred, sometimes 'Sakharam Gatane' is referred, yes, many more his characters are getting referred. But in film ( for ex 'Mhais') or drama (for ex. 'Vyakti Ani Valli') it's very difficult to show his creations and as per me those creations failed.( Sorry for this remark).

But this movie is created considering not only strengths of cinema as medium but also considering limitations of cinema medium. And that is where this film is great. At last Bhimsen, Vasantrao Deshpande, Kumar Gandharva and PL.Kanda raja will get so much delighted, you will get so much soothing feeling, you will get so much inner will express by will express through corner of your eyes.yes, a different nostalgic feeling. Bhai, a must watch Marathi movie. Last but not least, waiting eagerly for part 2.