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What is the Meme Generator? It's a free online image maker that allows you to add custom resizable text to images. It operates in HTML5 if supported, so your images are created instantly. Most commonly, people use the generator to add text captions to established, so technically it's more of a meme 'captioner' than a meme maker. However, you can also upload your own images as templates. How can I customize my meme?
• You can move and resize the text boxes by dragging them around. If you're on a mobile device, you may have to first check 'enable drag/drop' in the More Options section.
• You can customize the font color, outline color, and outline width just to the right of where you type your text. • You can further customize the font and add additional text boxes in the More Options section. Imgflip supports all web fonts and Windows/Mac fonts including bold and italic, if they are installed on your device.
Note that Android and other mobile operating systems may support fewer fonts. • You can rotate your meme, add scumbag hats, deal-with-it sunglasses, speech bubbles, or other custom images, and draw on your meme using the panel just above the meme preview image. • You can create 'meme chains' of multiple images stacked vertically by adding new images with the 'below current image' setting. Can I use the generator for more than just memes? The Meme Generator is a flexible tool for many purposes. By uploading custom images and using all the customizations, you can design many creative works including posters, banners, advertisements, and other custom graphics. Why is there an 'imgflip.com' watermark on my memes?
The Imgflip watermark helps other people find where the meme was created, so they can make memes too! However, if you'd really like to, you can remove our watermark from all images you create, as well as remove ads and supercharge your image creation abilities, using or Imgflip Pro Basic.
Krupp Captain Blunderpants is the evil counterpart of. He is from the opposite ' universe.
He was defeated by and 's grandparents. When he is Mr. Krupp he is nice. But when he is Captain Blunderpants he is nasty and evil.
Contrasting from the Captain Underpants in the regular universe, when water is poured on his head, he becomes Captain Blunderpants, but when someone snaps their fingers he turns back into Mr. Also, when Captain Blunderpants is in his bad form he has a toupee, but in his Mr. Krupp form he does not wear a toupee. He is the tertiary antagonist of. Contents [] Personality Captain Blunderpants is evil and very nasty. But when he is in Mr.
Krupp form he is the best principal you would know and he loves everyone and everything. However and are not amused by his happiness. Captain Underpants and the Preposterous Plight of the Purple Potty People Continuing from the previous book, George, Harold,, and have ended up in an alternate universe that is an opposite version of their own world. George and Harold discover that Mr. Krupp is nice and does not wear a toupee in this universe. They then see their evil counterpart, Evil George and Evil Harold, and learn through one of their more accurate comics that they had transformed their principal into a villain named Captain Blunderpants, the opposite dimension form of Captain Underpants. Sulu and Crackers are kidnapped by Evil George and Evil Harold and they use the to hypnotize them into being evil.
Sulu attacks Good George and Good Harold. Crackers, on the other hand, saves them (though George and Harold can't figure out why at this time).
The duo finally get back to their dimension of the multiverse, but unintentionally bring Evil George, Evil Harold, Nice Mr. Krupp (he wanted to pet Crackers), and Sulu with them. As they realized what reality they were in Evil George and Evil Harold get water on Nice Mr. Krupp's head, transforming him into Captain Blunderpants and off they fly into the city to raise chaos.
After Evil Sulu was defeated by Captain Underpants, Evil George and Evil Harold and Captain Blunderpants arrive to the scene. Captain Blunderpants and Captain Underpants were about to face off against one another in an epic battle but before it could happen, Good George snapped his fingers and Captain Blunderpants became Nice Mr. However, the moment is short-lived when it starts to rain and both begin to change as their happiness turns into pure anger and hatred. Captain Underpants comes out of his trance into Nasty Mr. Krupp while Nice Mr. Krupp comes into his trance becoming Captain Blunderpants, again breaking out of the ropes in rage as an angry Mr.
Krupp storms off, back to his house dressed as Captain Underpants, not contributing to what is going on around him and assuming it all a dream. Good George and Harold snaps their fingers trying to get Nasty Mr. Krupp to turn back in Captain Underpants and Blunderpants back to Nice Mr. Krupp but due to the rain pouring too hard it is impossible.