It's definitely written in a way that is accessible to pretty much anyone, and should be part of your education in that it remains a perspective that people hold on to. But most academics - feminist archaeologists, Classicists and historians included - agree that the majority of the evidence cited doesn't really hold up to snuff. (I'm speaking in particular of Marija Gimbutas' work, which is the most often cited.) If you loved this book, I strongly recommend following it with 's It's definitely written in a way that is accessible to pretty much anyone, and should be part of your education in that it remains a perspective that people hold on to. But most academics - feminist archaeologists, Classicists and historians included - agree that the majority of the evidence cited doesn't really hold up to snuff. (I'm speaking in particular of Marija Gimbutas' work, which is the most often cited.) If you loved this book, I strongly recommend following it with 's. Beyond arguing evidence, it challenges the usefulness of perpetuating the very stories being constructed by people like Ms.
Opendiagpro elm 1 6 17. 〈Nike〉の中枢を担ってきた敏腕オフィサーが〈Sup〉でシューズラインを発足か? 次期最高責任者(CEO)と目されていたTrevor Edwards(トレバー・エドワーズ)を筆頭に、ここ数ヵ月で9名もの重役が退任した〈Nike(ナイキ)〉社だが、今度は傘下である〈Converse(コンバース)〉のチーフ・マーケティング・オフィサーを2016年から務めてきたJulien Cahn(ジュリアン・カーン)の辞任が決定した。 米『Bloomberg』によると、この辞任は現在問題となっている社内不正に関するものではないとされており、今年初めに〈Supreme(シュプリーム)〉との契約も済ませているとのこと。これまで数多くのフォットウェアに携わってきたJulien氏はどう〈Sup〉で活躍するのだろうか、そしてオリジナルシューズラインの発足は有り得るのだろうか、ファッション業界が固唾をのむ今後の展開に注目していこう。 今週末にリリースを遂げる〈Supreme〉x 洋ホラー映画の金字塔『ヘル・レイザー』によるコラボコレクションや〈Palace(パレス)〉x〈adidas Originals(アディダス オリジナルス)〉2018年夏コレクションなど、その他ファッション関連のトピックはこちらよりチェック。.
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Granted, there was a lot of backlash (not to mention feelings of betrayal) after Eller published her book, but read it to inform yourself. Then, after reading both, you may find yourself in the middle, just like me, agreeing with apparently mutually exclusive perspectives.
Stone discusses the history behind the religion(s) of the Goddess. Various religions in the past held that 'God' was a female deity, as only females are the creators of life. There is anthropological and archaeological evidence which suggest that the earliest religions were those with a female deity.
It wasn't until Indo-European religions (which eventually developed the Judeo-Christian cultures) came through with their male-dominator culture, that the Goddess was first suppressed. With this sup Stone discusses the history behind the religion(s) of the Goddess. Various religions in the past held that 'God' was a female deity, as only females are the creators of life. There is anthropological and archaeological evidence which suggest that the earliest religions were those with a female deity. It wasn't until Indo-European religions (which eventually developed the Judeo-Christian cultures) came through with their male-dominator culture, that the Goddess was first suppressed. With this suppression of the Goddess came the suppression of women's rights.

This is also demonstrated when we look at the Judeo-Christian (Abrahamic) religions, and we see the subjugation of women (double standards, rape, slavery, etc.). On top of this, we see women blamed for the fall of man (as in the Old Testament of the Bible), and this is believed to be an artifact of the patriarchal religions' suppression of the Goddess. The fig tree was a symbol for the Goddess in many areas around the Fertile Crescent, as well as the serpent. If we look at the book of Genesis (in the Bible), we can 'coincidentally' see these symbols (namely the serpent) as something representing 'evil' or 'deceit'. On top of this, it was 'Eve' that ate the fruit first, so not only is the serpent symbol demonized, but also women in general. Ironically, even if we read the fable of Adam and Eve straight out of Genesis, we see that Eve was actually deceived by a trained deceiver (the serpent), where Adam was deceived by his wife (not a trained deceiver).