Creating geographic patterns via tile placement, the players will develop a new world each time they play. Players compete to be the first to score a required number of victory points to win the game. Points are scored by building townships, completing geographic patterns and fighting their rivals in airship battles! Every turn, Players must carefully manage the actions of 5 workers.
@Lostonezero Syrielle in distress! From Fantasy Frontier Sketchbook 18! 1:59 AM - 15 Sep 2018. 1 Retweet; 12. Elvina Loyan is an original character from the webcomic series, Fantasy Frontier, by Lost One Zero. Princess of the Darbor country, she is quite spoiled, and tends to be very authoritarian and proud.
Workers can be assigned the following tasks: • Piloting the Airship - Moving their airship token around the board. Testi v voenkomate video. So much time and love has been put into Fantasy Frontier to make it the best possible game it can be, but with your help it can be even better!
At $25,000 we are able to produce a high quality board game with fantastic components and engaging game play. If we are able to raise more than $25K we can begin to explore some very fun upgrades! The most effective way to assure we reach these upgrades is to share this project on your social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, blogs, etc. Share this project with EVERYONE!!
Telling your friends, family, and gaming communities to jump in on this great game will make everyone's game better as all stretch goals are production wide! Speaking of social media, here is an incentive for getting inlvolved: • 500 Facebook Likes! Once the reaches 500 likes, the euro-sized research cards will be UPGRADED to 70 x 70 mm square cards (Power Grid size) THE FACEBOOK STRETCH GOAL HAS BEEN UNLOCKED!! CONGRATULATIONS! Here is a sample of the NEW Map Card design! The Black Dragon Expansion Pack comes in it's own beautifully illustrated box and includes all the components needed to add a 5th player to Fantasy Frontier.
The Black Dragon faction doubles as an exciting alternative to the base game factions in 2-4 player games as well. The Black Dragon Expansion Pack is an Add-On Stretch Goal. It is only available if it is unlocked by this project reaching $49,000 in funding. Once available, backers may add $15 to their pledge to receive the expansion. Read more about The Black Dragon Expansion Pack in Update #12. Pay tribute to the wonderful art of Naomi Robinson by adding this vast collection of Fantasy Frontier art to your pledge!
This high resolution PDF collection consists of ALL of the art made by Naomi Robinson for Fantasy Frontier. Whether it made final production or got left behind on the cutting room floor, it will be in this collection. Early sketch concepts for Fantasy Frontier are exclusive to this collection and cannot be found anywhere else. This is a MUST have!
If you enjoy the art of Fantasy Frontier, please show your support to the artist by visiting her page. Naomi Robinson: This art collection will be delivered upon the conclusion of the project as a digital PDF presentation via an exclusive Dropbox invite. The PDF Art Collection is included FREE of charge on all International and Canadian orders. International Backers must add $70 for each additional copy of Fantasy Frontier. Add-on International games come as the same package as the INTERNATIONAL PRIVATEER. So each add-on game will get the collector's bag w/dice and the digital PDF art collection.
Canadian Backers must add $60 for each additional copy of Fantasy Frontier. Add-on Canadian games each come with an additional invite to the digital PDF art collection. Additional copies of Fantasy Frontier must be added to reward tiers that already offer at least one copy of Fantasy Frontier.