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Download Virtual Machine Image Introduction A software appliance in the form of a VMware image is available to allow novices to easily set up a Foswiki installation without knowing anything about it or the operating system it runs on. The virtual machine image is preconfigured and ready to run. It can be accessed with your browser You should use this appliance if. • you are a novice to Foswiki, don't want to hassle with an installation or configuration • your OS is Windows and the native installation is somewhat slow or some Foswiki extensions have further Linux-related dependencies • you want to run your Foswiki in a virtualized environment. You should be careful with running this VM appliance directly in a productive environment.

The OS installation in this VM is simple. No further security audit has been done. Nonetheless you can use this VM as a starting point for your productive VM. Be sure to change all the default passwords, including the webmin management server if using the VM in a production environment Support and Usage Download Virtual machine images are available for the following releases: Click the release to access the download links. 2018-02-27 386M Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS 2018-01-22 359M Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS 2017-06-01 360M Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS 2017-02-12 370M 2016-05-02 356M Ubuntu 16.04 LTS,, (webmin has been removed) 2016-02-03 668M Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS, FastCGI enabled.
2015-11-15 767MB Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS, FastCGI enabled. 2015-07-04 650MB Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS, FastCGI enabled. 2013-11-18 767MB Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, FastCGI enabled 2012-04-10 465MB Issues: Fails to get IP address, wrong jQuery configured, Security vulnerabilities 2010-11-10 427MB Security vulnerabilites 2010-01-17 322MB Security vulnerabilites.
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