Chord Pickout is a MP3 & Audio software developed by ChordPickout.com. After our trial and test, the software is proved to be official, secure and free. Here is the official description for Chord Pickout: A friend of has perfect pitch. He is a professional guitarist. The only instrument he needs to guess chords for a song is his own.
He can listen to a song and easily pick out the right chords or even make a better arrangement than those he listened to. But, what about the rest of us, who don't have this?
Chord Pickout 2.0 Full Crack Buat sobat yang suka main gitar, kini tidak perlu repot-repot lagi berlama-lama browsing untuk mencari chord lagu kesukaan kita, tidak perlu lagi mengeluarkan biaya untuk koneksi internet, dan hasil yang kita dapat pun relatif akurat.

There are hundreds of new songs produced every month. Sometimes scores for current songs are hard to find. But, you need them, when they are popular and not a year later. This is where Chord Pickout can help. This program uses its artificial intelligence to guess chords for you. All you have to do is to load a media file (wav or mp3) and click a button.
Chord Pickout will transcribe the music and write down the recognized chords. The process is fully automated. While most of its competitors use simple patterns to recognize chords, Chord Pickout applies complex math and shows outstanding results even in the toughest cases.
You will receive chord notations that are very close to those by the song's author. This program will became a must-have tool for those who want to play the hottest and most popular songs on a guitar, piano or other musical instrument. No need to wait for published scores, no need to spend your precious time trying to find the right chords.
Just load an audio file and you've got the chords. It's that easy!
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