Photo about Tiger Slope and Torrent in Tiger Leaping Gorge in Yunnan, China. Asia China Yunnan Yulong Snow Mountain Blue Moon Valley Scenic Area. Rent The Tiger and the Snow (2005) starring Roberto Benigni and Jean Reno on DVD and Blu-ray. Get unlimited DVD Movies & TV Shows delivered to your door with no late fees, ever. Fast, free delivery. Shl test rosneftj.
Love and injury in time of war. Attilio de Giovanni teaches poetry in Italy. He has a romantic soul, and women love him.
But he is in love with Vittoria, and the love is unrequited. Every night he dreams of marrying her, in his boxer shorts and t-shirt, as Tom Waits sings. Vittoria travels to Iraq with her friend, Fuad, a poet; they are there with the second Gulf War breaks out. Vittoria is injured. Attilio must get to her side, and then, as war rages around him, he must find her the medical care she needs. In war, does love conquer all? This film seems to be made for Roberto Benigni's fans.
If you didn't like his previous films, don't bother with this one. The other comment that must be made is: this is not 'Life is Beautiful'. That film was simply wonderful, and I don't think it will ever find a match. Regardless this issue, 'La tigre e la neve' is a very good movie. Benigni continues to show his amazing ability in order to mix comedy with drama, making the story very interesting and enjoyable.
As a negative issue, we can point out that Benigni is a bit repetitive (it's his way of communicating), and might be a bit annoying for some people. The plot is quite simple: a man discovers that the woman he loves is seriously injured in a hospital in Baghdad, during American invasion in '03. He decides to travel to Iraq in order to help his loved one. The film has a good script, and is adequately seasoned with very good photography, music, and an unavoidable message of hope. Highly recommended for people looking for a story plenty of romanticism with a conceptually brilliant ending.
Harry Stoner is a man who, according to his own lights, is a good citizen. He employs something like 40 people, he contributes to the economy, he cares about his family, he pays his.. Well, last year he didn't quite pay his taxes. He and his partner did a little ballet with the books, and if the IRS finds out, that will be the last tango in Los Angeles.
'Save the Tiger' is the story of a day and a half in Harry Stoner's life. It begins when he's awakened by a nightmare, and it ends with some kids who don't need him as a utility infielder in their baseball game. Harry is a partner in a dress-manufacturing firm, and this is his big day because it's the day when he introduces his new line to the out-of-town buyers. A lot of things happen to Harry during the day. A client nearly dies of a heart attack on him, he has a couple of philosophical discussions (one with an old European tailor, one with the last of the flower children) and he arranges to have one of his factories burn down. But all the time, his mind is on other things.
He is haunted by his memory of how simple life was in the 1940s. The flower child tells him that she read in the National Geographic about how tigers and other wild animals 'return to places of remembered beauty' to die. Harry's place of remembered beauty is a professional baseball lineup, the Brooklyn team in the 1940s, the boys of summer.. Harry was a pretty good amateur ball player himself at one time. Showsim full crack pc. Now he cheats, pimps, steals designs from his competitors and finds himself dealing with an arsonist.
He can't quite understand what went wrong. His dream was to meet a payroll, instead of being on one. Now as the ads say, he will do anything for one more season. It's just that one more season means something different to Willie Mays than it does to Harry Stoner. 'Save the Tiger' has been attacked in some quarters for covering too much ground. I suppose it does.
There's hardly a contemporary issue that isn't at least mentioned, sometimes two or three times. Maybe the movie's writer,, tried too hard to find a place in his script for everything on his mind. 'Save the Tiger' isn't just a statement; it's a summary of Shagan's intellectual inventory over the last five years. But that doesn't bother me, because (with apologies to Shagan) the movie's survey of contemporary issues isn't central to what makes it enjoyable. When Harry () and his partner Phil () are arguing over the morality of committing fraud, we aren't listening to the meaning of the argument; we're enjoying the texture.