In this post, we will share the dashboard for ZTE modems. We are providing here join air and 3connect dashboard for your modem. Users who do not want to change the firmware of his modem, but want to change the dashboard, can use this. Just extract ISO using power ISO or any another software. These dashboards provide the facility of phone calls, SMS, and USSD option. Through USSD one can check data balance of the internet.
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Many dashboards of ZTE does not provide these facilities in his modem. So, that users who have 3G dongle of ZTE and there is no facility of phone calls, SMS, and USSD, will be benefited.
Free 3g connection download. Internet & Network tools downloads - Gateway 3G Connection Manager by Gateway and many more programs are available for instant and free download. Dec 5, 2017 - Download USB 3G ZTE Modem Dashboard and Drivers. Download Join Air Dashboard or Connection Manager for. I provide as.