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By News Editor It happened quickly. On November 15, Marvel announced that it was severing ties with, the developers behind the Action RPG. Then the company announced that servers for the game would be shutting down permanently at the end of the year before changing the closing date again to the end of November. And before anyone could process what was happening, Marvel Heroes was gone. It's a distinctly modern problem in the short lifespan of video games. Normally when a studio shutters, you'll still have a playable game disc or cartridge to keep as a memento.
But Marvel Heroes is an online-only, free-to-play game where you could spend anywhere from nothing to thousands of dollars for content. And as some players discovered in the sudden aftermath of Gazillion's closure, once the game is gone it's just gone. The scattered responses from players left in Marvel Heroes' wake paints a weird picture for how players are left behind when games shut down in the era of free-to-play and games as services. One of the biggest surprises when speaking to the Marvel Heroes community is how often the idea of 'getting your money's worth' came into play with a free-to-play game like Marvel Heroes. By and large, the PC players who've been playing the game for years and spent thousands of dollars over the total lifetime of the game aren't the ones calling for refunds. Instead it's the console players who've only had six months with the game that are pushing for refunds (a refund counter has been added to the Marvel Heroes subreddit).
And even then, there are exceptions. A refund counter has been added to /r/marvelheroes The most immediate controversy surrounding Marvel Heroes' closing revolves around the issue of refunds for console players.
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Earlier this year Gazillion released a console version of the game called Marvel Heroes Omega, which was also free-to-play but only lasted about six months. Comparatively, the PC version launched in June 2013. Although Gazillion shut down microtransactions as soon as it was announced that servers for the game were shuttering, some players had already spent hundreds of dollars with the expectation that there would be years of content still to come. Stories like this one from Reddit user were fairly common after Marvel Heroes went down.
'I am a PS4 player that picked up the game about three months into the life of it. I spent quite a bit of money on the game including but not limited to the large Age of Apocalypse update (Approx $85).
Seeing that they released a large update I felt comfortable investing the money. Zte kis q firmware. Fast forward to the shutdown.I call Sony the day of and politely explain my desire for a refund three times, swing and a miss three times.' But so were stories like this one from player, who told me they paid relatively little for the game and played enough Marvel Heroes to justify their purchase.

'I played on Xbox, and invested over 1,000 hours into the game. I managed to spend a whopping $15, and even though I have heard about refunds coming through, it isn't a big deal to me one way or the other. I certainly got $15 worth of fun out of all of it. I'll hang around and see what happens with the refunds, but only as a curious observer.
I've got no real stakes in all of this, and if I never [get] a dime from [Microsoft], I'll be okay. I will definitely miss the game.
I'll probably still load it up and see if it'll let me log in.old habits die hard, you know? Overall.I do feel a deep sense of loss, because I enjoyed the MHO experience. ' For select console players, getting a refund from either Microsoft or Sony appears to be a main priority. In recent days, more threads have been appearing on the subreddit with success stories from console players who have received refunds from Microsoft. It feels like a consumer victory in the aftermath of a particularly unpopular situation with no winners.