You could also say the iPhone 6 or below SHOULD have been made with 2 GB of RAM instead of 1 GB, which seems to be one of the main differences in specs for the devices supported. Keep this in mind: Just because a device can support an operating system (Latest Windows, iOS, Android, Mac OS, etc) does NOT mean it will support every app / program published to it. Just like with PC games, there are specific requirements for phones. If your phone can't meet them, then it shouldn't be allowed to install. Let's just say your phone is below required specs, but EPIC is like 'welllll it's very similar, so why not?'
Daftar Game Pc Ringan: Begitu banyak pilihan untuk memainkan sebuah game di PC (Personal Computer) kita. Sayangnya kadang keinginan memainkan. Game PC RAM 2GB yang satu ini grafisnya biasa saja, malah bisa dibilang cenderung kurang. Tapi kalau soal gameplay, sangat menarik. Kamu diminta untuk menyusuri labyrinth yang begitu luas dan gelap.
You download the app, you start playing, and it's either laggy, or your phone starts running reallll hot for running an app it really can't support. Then liability comes in, blah blah blah, messy stuff. Fortnite should be able to support the iphone 6 or even iphone 5s because the mobile version of pubg can support these phones. If it doesn't run well then there should be settings added to lower graphics so that lower end devices can play fortnite battle royale for mobile.

If only iphone 6s and up can play fortnite battle royale then only people with high end devices will be able to play the game which will mean that less people will have access to the mobile version of fortnite. Does anyone else think that fortnite should have settings to make the game run on atleast mid-range devices so more people can play? It doesn’t have much to do with the phones being unsupported simply because epic games doesn’t want them to work on it, I’m betting 99% of the reason is the specs of the old phones, before the 6s all other iPhones only had a 1gig or less of ram which although is alright for web browsing and stuff would get slaughtered by any high end game, I’m betting the game needs something like a gig and a half at least to run and therefore devices under that spec won’t work.