The method described here has six steps: Install the mod_auth_kerb authentication module. Create a service principal for the web server. Create a keytab for the service principal. Specify the authentication method to be used. Specify a list of authorised users. Reload the Apache configuration. Remove anonymous access from the directory with the IIS management console, the username is available with $_SERVER[“LOGON_USER”]. Note that Windows Server 2008 (including R2) does not come with Windows Authentication enabled by default.
Qt platform plugin windows install. QT platform plugin 'Windows' needs to be reinstalled. I purchased a Fix it Stick for getting rid of viruses. It worked, but now does not and tells me the Qt platform plugin 'Windows' needs to be reinstalled. Type or Copy/Paste QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH as the variable name on the lest column. In the right column, type in the directory in which you platform is in. In my case, it is 'C: Qt 5.3 msvc2013 plugins platforms'. Run the project; Edit: For step 7, '$(QTDIR) plugins platforms' should be able to automatically point to the needed directory. Could not find or load the Qt platform plugin 'windows'. You can achieve a similar solution making source for embedded dll's at hbqt make time, but you need to implement the QCoreApplication class, and use the addLibrary method of QCoreApplication class at hbqt initialization time.

Introduction We have various web servers running on 5.5. We have approximately 200 users who authenticate to the University domain every morning when they sit down at their Windows computers and log-in.
It would be great if we could “pass-through” that authentication to the Apache web servers so that our users do not have to log in again. Second, we want to check that they are authorized to access various resources on the web server. The first part, SSO authentication, is handled via mod_auth_kerb; the second part, authorization to use particular resources, is handled via mod_authnz_ldap. Mod_authnz_ldap is bundled with Apache 2.2. We will have to build a new version of mod_auth_kerb from source to get a feature that we need to make this work. While this has been documented in a number of places on the web, it took me a long time to get all of the pieces to work together, so I’m going to document our approach. I’ll start with a list of some of the resources that I consulted while getting this to work: • Scott Lowe: • Achim Groims: •: Configuration • page on SourceForge • on and LDAP.
Published by Ben Chapman Assistant Dean for Information Technology, Emory University School of Law, Atlanta, Georgia. Higher education information technology professional with 15 years of experience using Linux and related open-source technologies in mixed-platform law school environments. Experienced planner and manager with J.D.
Degree and more than five years as a practicing attorney at mid-sized AV-rated law firm. Disclaimer: Any articles that I write are not legal advice and do not serve to create an attorney-client relationship. I am not licensed to practice law in the State of Georgia. Post navigation.