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Ramayan AD Reloaded» 8 issues Ramayan AD: Reloaded Volume 2 (#); Ramayan AD: Reloaded Volume 3 (#). Ramayan AD: Reloaded, Vol. A story thousands of years in the making, a re-imagining of one of the greatest tales ever, retold in a post-apocalyptic. 11 Feb The epic tale Ramayan A.D. Has just been reloaded!

The quest of the hero Rama, his loyal brother Lakshman, and the beautiful Seeta. Author: Mesida Goltilkree Country: Sudan Language: English (Spanish) Genre: Literature Published (Last): 15 April 2012 Pages: 85 PDF File Size: 17.71 Mb ePub File Size: 17.2 Mb ISBN: 416-9-72701-782-5 Downloads: 93536 Price: Free* [ *Free Regsitration Required] Uploader: ComicBookRealm.com: The Free Comic Book Price Guide & Community Once you’ve earned a points you’ll be able to bypass this step and make live edits to our system. In order to obtain support, ramayan 3392 ad reloaded goes to Khundgiri to try and meet his brothers but on the way, he meets an old seer by the name of Vishwamitra who instead takes him to Rama.
Until then, gain points by continuing to edit pages. Reloaded Volume rramayan Retrieved from ” https: Comment and Save Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. From Wikipedia, the free ramayan 3392 ad reloaded. In Aryavarta the last kingdom of humans exists inside a city called Armagarh. The first cover of Ramayan A. Rama and Lakshman go to the docile region of Fort Janasthan while Bharat and Shatrughan are dispatched to war-torn Khundgiri. Ayodhya Mithila Dandakaranya Kishkindha Lanka.
Ramayan AD Reloaded (Volume) – Comic Vine Bharat is held in captivity deep below in the mines of Khundgiri. Your cart is empty! The spiritual themes of the ancient epic are in this case replaced by technological ramayan 3392 ad reloaded, often culminating in the same situations. After Rama is exiled, the kingdom of Armagarh falls into disarray. Reloaded at the Comic Book DB. Shamik DasguptaRe,oaded Singh.
This new chapter will soon be ramayan 3392 ad reloaded in a trade paperback called ‘Ramayan AD Reloaded: Disable this feature for this session. Until you earn ramayan 3392 ad reloaded all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. Views Read Edit View history. Ejma bellows software suite. Rama, the prince of Armagar, was exiled from his home for surrendering the fort of Janasthan to Ravan’s forces. Error (Forbidden) The series is being rehashed after the first arc consisting of eight issues. Rama is exiled, Lakshman on the run, and Bharat lost in the battles of Khundgiri.
Float Left Float Right. Collected Editions Ramayan AD: Virgin Comics titles comics debuts Works based on the Ramayana. Tome of the Wastelands’. On ramayan 3392 ad reloaded other hand a small faction of Armagarhian rebels led by the former prime minister Sumantra, aims to bring down the conspiracy revolving around the House of Suryavansha Rama’s clan. A story thousands of years in the making, a re-imagining of one of the greatest tales ever, retold in a post-apocalyptic future. Upon reaching the forests of Dandakaranya a place near Janasthanthey are then told by an owl that the horde of Asuras ramayan 3392 ad reloaded had destroyed Fort Janasthan had been busy fighting and slaughtering all the beasts of the region in the past few months.
Reloaded Volume 2 Ramayan AD: His four sons, Rama, Lakshman, Shatrughan and Bharat reoladed sent by the council to outposts of the kingdom to provide assistance. Tweet Remove Format Clean.
Rama and his fellow travelers then sprint ramayan 3392 ad reloaded Mithila in order to prevent further destruction. Make sure this is what you intended. The Asuras, however, had also suffered equal losses and only a handful amongst them had survived. Abhishek Singh Jeevan Kang Reloaded.
The story primarily deals with the last kingdom of humans who are fighting demons (Asuras) to survive. The series' prime protagonist is the human prince Rama who, alongside his brothers, aims to bring down the demon-lord Ravan. Now a new beginning starts with writer Shamik Dasgupta and artist Jeevan Kang with the guidance of celebrated writer/editor Ron Marz. The story continues after Rama, Lakshman and Seeta escape from Mithila and are teleported to the wastelands of the far north. Rama suffers from severe wounds and is at death's door.