Safe-xtract is veteran owned. We intend to donate part of the proceeds to select not for profits to support, among other causes, veterans with TBI. Miscellaneous Home Software. Xtract Solutions has created the Complete Allergen Immunotherapy Software System to help with mixing, preparation, injections and more with a simple EMR interface. Jul 23, 2016 Download Xtract for free. Xtract is a small program I wrote principally to learn the basics of TCP/IP protocols, and to address certain shortcomings.
Have you ever wanted to - have a useful backup of your whatsapp chats? - be able to read your whatsapp chats again using a backup file? - delete the grown-too-big message history of whatsapp without losing the possibility to read the old conversations? - read older messages without the need of endlessly pressing the annoying 'load older messages' button? - be able to search old messages?.? Here is a little Tool to display whatsapp chats on your computer, using the database files from your android installation of whatsapp.
The most likely adapter you need is USB-TTL serial. FTDI TTL-232R-3V3-PCB (£). With a router or similar OpenWrt device that has a serial connector of some kind. Ftdi serial port. Then Reboot Device. After reboot, we can see a new /dev/ttyUSB* device as below. This is the FTDI Serial device. We can use this device to communicate with other serial device. Opkg install kmod-usb-serial kmod-usb-serial-ftdi. There is no apt-get in openWRT. Also, by using firmware from a third party, you have no idea if it is current or even correct. Everything you need is at openwrt.org.
It's called WhatsApp Xtract and was created by Fabio Sangiacomo and me. Once finished, your browser will open and show the chats. The resulting file size of the.html file will be slightly bigger than the size of the original.db.crypt12 database. Attachment: Whatsapp Xtract 2.3 2018-04-25 (~ 1,8 MB) contains:!README.txt bplist.py convert_smileys_python_2.py SetEnv.exe sqlite3.exe whatsapp_xtract.py whatsapp_xtract_android.bat whatsapp_xtract_iphone.bat whatsapp_xtract_console.bat whatsapp_xtract_drag'n'drop_database(s)_here.bat folder: data samples of needed input files and Media folder also available here: IF SOMETHING DOESN'T WORK: 1.
First check if you already have the newest download (check full name of the.zip file: is it the same as in mentioned in this thread?). Maybe your error already has been fixed.
Read the post and read the last pages of this thread to see if your problem is already being discussed. Use the function!

If not or if it doesn't help, post your error with a detailed description (and error message) in the thread. General advice on how to backup Whatsapp Some general advice on how to backup Whatsapp and get the database file: Android: - In Whatsapp go to settings - more - Backup Chats - Copy the folder 'Whatsapp' on the SD card to your backup location (e.g., PC) - (ideally also) use the app Titanium Backup to backup the full whatsapp application together with its data, copy the backup from the folder 'TitaniumBackup' on the SD card to your backup location (e.g., PC) - Use this tool Whatsapp Backup Extractor (download in this thread) to show the chats in a friendly readable format. The necessary files 'wa.db' and 'msgstore.db' you will find inside the Titanium Backup archive 'com.whatsapp-[Date]-[some digits].tar.gz', alternatively (without Titanium Backup) you can use the msgstore.db.crypt file from the folder Whatsapp/Databases on the SD card. Iphone: - use Itunes to create an unencrypted Backup - use an Iphone Backup Tool to get the file net.whatsapp.WhatsApp/Documents/ChatStorage.sqlite, e.g. I-Twin or Iphone Backup Extractor. Make sure to create an unencrypted backup with Itunes, as these tools can't handle encrypted backups.
Another possibility are forensic tools like UFED Physical Analyzer.) Blackberry: - sync your blackberry with desktop manager and then copy the messagestore.db file from SD - however, it seems that this file is encrypted? Currently we don't know how to get the unencrypted messagestore.db file - Blackberry not supported yet! Nokia: - not known yet - Nokia not supported yet!
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CHECK IF DATABASE FILE CAN BE OPENED / EDIT CHAT MESSAGES INSIDE DATABASE You may want to open the decrypted whatsapp database (ChatStorage.sqlite, msgstore.db or msgstore.plain.db) without this tool, e.g. If something goes wrong to check if it can be opened at all or to edit chat messages. For this use SQLite Database Browser ( ). However it is much more confusing and the messages are ordered by date, not by conversations.
Also you won't see the smileys and media files. IF DATABASE CAN'T BE OPENED: REPAIR DATABASE Update: This function is now included in Whatsap Xtract 2.1. If you get an error like this: Error: file is encrypted or is not a database and you tried to open the unencrypted database with SQLite Database Browser but it can't be opened with it, then try the following: Open the database with Editor, can you see it starts with 'SQLite format 3'?